
Longobardi C., Malacrea M., Giulini P., Settanni M., Fabris M.A. (2021) How Plausible are the Accounts of Child Victims of Sexual Abuse. A Study of Bizarre and Unusual Scripts Reported by Children, Journal Of Child Sexual Abuse, Ahead-Of-Print, 1-20

Murphy G. et al (2023) Lost in the Mall Again: A Preregistered Replication and Extension of Loftus & Pickrell (1995), [Accepted version of the manuscript published in Memory] memoria autobiografica, false memorie, misinformazione, replicazione

Michael Salter & Ruth Blizard (2022) False Memories And The Science Of Credibility: Who Gets To Be Heard?, Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 23:2, 141-147, DOI: 10.1080/15299732.2022.2028219 falsi ricordi, False Memory Syndrome Foundation, giornalisti

Turgeon J., Milot T., St-Laurent D., Dubois-Comtois K. (2023) Association between childhood maltreatment and attachment disorganization in young adulthood: The protective role of early mother-child interactions, Child Abuse & Neglect, 143, 106281. (

Capaldi M. P. (2023) The sexual exploitation of boys: Lost on the margins of GBV (gender based violence) (responses?, Child Abuse & Neglect, 142, 106218. Commentary

Gerke J., Gfr¨orer T., Mattstedt F. K., Hoffmann U., Fegert J.M., Rassenhofer M. (2023) Long-term mental health consequences of female- versus male-perpetrated child sexual abuse, Child Abuse & Neglect, 143, 106240.

Holdroyd I., Barton G., Holdroyd D. (2023) The effect of working tax credits on child maltreatment rates: A systematic review, Child Abuse & Neglect, 143, 106279.

Moss C., Jordan Smith S., Kim K., Hua N., Noronha N., Kavenagh M., Wekerle C. (2023) A global systematic scoping review of literature on the sexual exploitation of boys, Child Abuse & Neglect,142, 106244.

Kavenagh M., Hua N., Wekerle C. (2023) Sexual exploitation of children: Barriers for boys in accessing social supports for victimization, Child Abuse & Neglect, 142, 106129

Nodzenski M., Davis J. (2023) Frontline support services for boys who have experienced child sexual exploitation: A thematic review of survey data from seven countries, Child Abuse & Neglect, 142, 106077

Pacheco E. L. M., Buenaventura A. E., Miles G. M. (2023) “She was willing to send me there”: Intrafamilial child sexual abuse, exploitation and trafficking of boys, Child Abuse & Neglect, 142, 105849

Hovey A., Rye B.J., George E., Scott S., Chamber L. (2023) Impact of Children’s Presence on Police Responses to Domestic Violence Call Situations, Child Maltreatment, 28(3), 476–487, DOI: 10.1177/10775595221147315

Montero Orphanopoulos C., 2022, Vulnerability, Ecclesial Abuse, and “Vulnerable Adults”

Walter H. J., Reese Abright A., Bukstein O. G., Diamond J., Keable H., Ripperger-Suhler J., Rockhill C. (2023) Clinical Practice Guideline for the Assessment and Treatment of Children and Adolescents With Major and Persistent Depressive Disorders, J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry,62(5),479-502. linee guida cliniche; depressione; disturbo depressivo; psichiatria infantile; valutazione psichiatrica di bambini e adolescenti; trattamento.

Freitag G. F., Grassie H. L., Jeong A., Mallidi A., Comer J. S., Ehrenreich-May Jill., Brotman M. A (2023) Systematic Review: Questionnaire-Based Measurement of Emotion Dysregulation in Children and Adolescents, J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 62(7),728-763. adolescenti; bambini, disregolazione emotiva: psicopatologia; revisioni; questionari

Silva F.C., Monge A., Landi C.A., Zenardi G.A., Suzuki D.C., Vitalle M.S.S (2023) Sexual Victimization of Children and Adolescents: A Qualitative Study with Brazilian Undergraduates on Disclosure, Detection, Outcomes, and Consequences, Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 32, 3, 259-279. abuso sessuale infantile; aggressione sessuale; adolescente; giovane adulto; rivelazione di abuso sessuale

Balla U., Lev-Wiesel R., Bhattacharyya A., Israeli D., Daphna-Tekoah S. (2023) The Medical Somatic Dissociation Questionnaire Assessment For Childhood Sexual Abuse: A Brief Report, Journal of Child sexual Abuse, 32, 2, 153-163. Medical Somatic Dissociation Questionnaire; abuso sessuale infantile, diagnosi

Fitzgerald M., Wright L.E., Bishop A.J. (2023) Does Forgiveness Enhance Or Detract From Relationship Quality Among Sexual Abuse Survivors?, Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 32, 4, 455-474. Abuso sessuale infantile; perdono; qualità delle relazioni

Hébert E., Fortin L., Fortin A., Paradis A., Hébert M. (2023) The Associations between Self-Silencing and Delinquency in Adolescent Who Experienced Child Sexual Abuse, Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 32, 4, 438-454. comportamento delinquenziale, comportamento aggressivo, auto silenziamento, uso di sostanze, abuso sessuale infantile

Lanza T., Levand M. A. (2023) Ignored Components of Sexuality: The Need for Competent Clinical Practice with Child Survivors of Sexual Abuse, Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 32, 2, 164-183. abuso sessuale all’infanzia; sessualità; identità di genere; orientamento sessuale; trauma, trattamento

Mainwaring C., Scott A. J., Gabbert F. (2023) Behavioral Intentions of Bystanders to Image-Based Sexual Abuse: A Preliminary Focus Group Study with a University Student Sample, Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 32, 3, 318-339. intervento dei testimoni; abuso sessuale basato su immagini; pornografia non consensuale; abuso sessuale facilitato dalla tecnologia.

Miccio-Fonseca L.C. (2023) The Unpopular Victims: Individuals Who Are Sexually Abusive – The Black Swans, Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 32, 3, 379-396. abusanti adolescenti; valutazione del rischio; sviluppo sessuale; vittime di abuso sessuale; abuso sessuale.

Rawn K.P., Levi , Pals A.M., Huber H., Golding J.M. (2023) Impacts of Victim Resistance and Type of Assault on Legal Decision-Making in Child Sexual Assault, Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 32, 4, 418-437. bambino vittima, aggressione sessuale, stupro, presa di decisione legale.

Rudolph J.I., Zimmer-Gembeck M.J., Straker D., Hambour V., Hawes T., Swan K. (2023) Parental-Led Sexual Abuse Education Amongst At-Risk Parents: Associations with Parenting Practices, and Parent and Child Symptomology, Journal of Cjild Sexual Abuse, 32, 4, 575-595. abuso sessuale infantile; prevenzione; genitorialità; protezione

Special Issue: The Legal System Response to Child Maltreatment (2023) Child Maltreatment, 28, 3. Review.

Pessina C. (2022) Valutare con consapevolezza e senza pregiudizi, Scambi di Prosettive,15 luglio, abuso, minori, professioni sociali, tutela minori.

Malacrea M., Pessina C. (2022) Quanto sono credibili i racconti di abuso sessuale fatti dai bambini?, Quaderni ACP 6, 277-278.

Abuso infantile: il ricordo può più della stessa esperienza Pediatria, 6/23 􀁞􀀃􀀃Danese A, Widom CS. Associations between objective and subjective experiences of childhood maltreatment and the course of emotional disorders in adulthood. JAMA Psychiatry. Published online July 05, 2023. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry. 2023.2140

Zangari F. (2023) Bambini vittime di maltrattamento e trascuratezza: il contributo dell’odontoiatra, Quaderni ACP, 4.

Perricone G, Polizzi C. (2023) La psicotraumatologia in Psicologia pediatrica: duplicità o integrazione del trauma nelle emergenze pediatriche? Un inquadramento teorico operativo, QUADERNI ACP, 1.

Salter M. (2023) Presidential Editorial: The Facts And Fantasies of Dissociation, Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, Vol. 24, No. 1, 1–7 Https://Doi.Org/10.1080/15299732.2022.2157620

Reinders A. A. T. S., Veltman D. J. (2021) Dissociative identity disorder: out of the shadows at last?, The British Journal of Psychiatry, 219, 413–414. doi: 10.1192/bjp.2020.168 Parole chiave: eziologia, neurobiologia, trauma; fantasia; PTSD; DID, trauma infantile; neuroimaging.

Liotti G., “Il problema della veridicità dei ricordi di abuso”, in Ardovini C. et al., Conversazioni con Giovanni Liotti su trauma e dissociazione”, Edizioni ApertaMenteWeb, 2022,pp.167-194.

Hogg B., Gardoki-Souto I., Valiente-Gomez A., Rosa A.R., Fortea L., Radua J., Amann B., Moreno-Alcazar A. (2023) Psychological trauma as a transdiagnostic risk factor for mental disorder: an umbrella meta-analysis, European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 273, 397–410.

Meinck F., Neelakantan L., Dunne M. (2023) Measuring Violence Against Children: A COSMIN Systematic Review of the Psychometric Properties of Child and Adolescent Self-Report Measures, Trauma violence and abuse, 24, 3,

Bérubé A., Turgeon J., Fiset D. (2023) Emotion Recognition in Adults With a History of Childhood Maltreatment: A Systematic Review, Trauma Violence and Abuse, 24, 1,

Bertele N., Talmon A. (2023) Sibling Sexual Abuse: A Review of Empirical Studies in the Field, Trauma violence and abuse, 24, 2,

Savopoulos P., Bryant C., Giallo R. (2023) Intimate Partner Violence and Child and Adolescent Cognitive Development: A Systematic Review, Trauma violence and abuse, 24, 3,

Langevin R., Marshall C., Temcheff C. (2023) Disentangling the Associations Between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Child Sexual Abuse: A Systematic Review, Trauma Violence and Abuse, 24, 2,

Pierce Z.P., Black J.m. (2023) The Neurophysiology Behind Trauma-Focused Therapy Modalities Used to Treat Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Across the Life Course: A Systematic Review, Trauma violence and abuse, 24, 2,

Henriksen L,. Sezer K., Garnweidner-Holme L. (2023) Cultural Sensitivity in Interventions Aiming to Reduce or Prevent Intimate Partner Violence During Pregnancy: A Scoping Review, Trauma Violence and Abuse, 24, 1,

Lombardi B.N., Jensen T.M., Bledsoe S.E. (2023) The Relationship Between a Lifetime History of Sexual Victimization and Perinatal Depression: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Trauma Violence and Abuse, 24, 1,

Suomi A., Bolton A., Pasalich D. (2023) The Prevalence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Birth Parents in Child Protection Services: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Trauma violence and abuse, 24, 2,

Wichmann M.L-Y., Pawils S., Metzner F. (2023) School-Based Interventions for Child and Adolescent Victims of Interpersonal Violence, Trauma violence and abuse, 24, 3,

Sousa M., Andrade J., Gonçalves R:A: (2023) The Effectiveness of Psychological Treatment in Adult Male Convicted for Sexual Offenses Against Children: A Systematic Review, Trauma violence and abuse, 24, 3,

Meuleman E., Sloover M., van Ee E. (2023) Involving a Significant Other in Treatment of Patients With PTSD Symptoms: A Systematic Review of Treatment Interventions, Trauma violence and abuse, 24, 3,

Gewirtz-Meydan A., Opuda E. (2023) The Sexual Fantasies of Childhood Sexual Abuse Survivors: A Rapid Review, Trauma violence and abuse, 24, 2,

Hallett N., Garstang J., Taylor J. (2023) Kinship Care and Child Protection in High-Income Countries: A Scoping Review, Trauma violence and abuse, 24, 2,

Dheensa S., McLindon E., Gregory A. (2023) Healthcare Professionals’ Own Experiences of Domestic Violence and Abuse: A Meta-Analysis of Prevalence and Systematic Review of Risk Markers and Consequences, Trauma violence and abuse, 24, 3,

Crivatu I.M., Horvath M.A.H., Massey K. (2023) The Impacts of Working With Victims of Sexual Violence: A Rapid Evidence Assessment, Trauma Violence and Abuse, 24, 1,

Lotto C.R., Pisani Altafim E.R., M.B. (2023) Maternal History of Childhood Adversities and Later Negative Parenting: A Systematic Review, Trauma violence and abuse, 24, 2,

Tsirimokou A., Kloess J.A., Dhinse S.K. (2023) Vicarious Post-traumatic Growth in Professionals Exposed to Traumatogenic Material: A Systematic Literature Review, Trauma violence and abuse, 24, 3,

Godoy S.M., Perris G.E., Bath E.P. (2023) A Systematic Review of Specialty Courts in the United States for Adolescents Impacted by Commercial Sexual Exploitation, Trauma violence and abuse, 24, 3,

Baird K., Connolly J.(2023) Recruitment and Entrapment Pathways of Minors into Sex Trafficking in Canada and the United States: A Systematic Review, Trauma Violence and Abuse, 24, 1,

Prior A., Shilo G., Peled E. (2023) Help-Seeking and Help-Related Experiences of Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth: A Qualitative Meta-Synthesis, Trauma violence and abuse. 24, 3,

Lu M., Barlow J., Neelakantan L. (2023) Unpacking School-Based Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Programs: A Realist Review, Trauma Violence and Abuse, 24, 4,

Matte-Landry A., Grisé Bolduc M-E., Ouellet-Morin I. 82023) Cognitive Outcomes of Children With Complex Trauma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses of Longitudinal Studies, Trauma Violence and Abuse, 24, 4.

Pearson I., Page S.H. (2023) The Co-Occurrence of Intimate Partner Violence and Violence Against Children: A Systematic Review on Associated Factors in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, Trauma Violence and Abuse, 24, 4,

Pierce Z.P., Black J.M. (2023) Stress and Susceptibility: A Systematic Review of Prenatal Epigenetic Risks for Developing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Trauma Violence and Abuse, 24, 4.

Wang S-L., Chang J-J-, Su P-Y. (2023) The Relationship Between Child Sexual Abuse and Sexual Dysfunction in Adults: A Meta-Analysis, Trauma Violence and Abuse, 24, 4,

Wyles P., O’Leary P., Tsantefski m. (2023) Bearing Witness as a Process for Responding to Trauma Survivors: A Review, Trauma Violence and Abuse, 24, 5,

Xiao Z., Murat Baldwin M., Murray A.L. (2023) The Impact of Childhood Psychological Maltreatment on Mental Health Outcomes in Adulthood: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Trauma Violence and Abuse, 24, 5,

Yu J., Haynie D.L., Gilman S.E. (2024) Patterns of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Neurocognitive Development, JAMA Pediatr online, doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2024.1318.

Field N., Katz C. (2023) The Experiences and Perceptions of Sexually Abused Children as Participants in the Legal Process: Key Conclusions From a Scoping Literature Review, Trauma Violence and Abuse, 24, 4,

Fung H.W., Chien W.T., Ross C.A. (2023) The Relationship Between Dissociation and Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Scoping Review, Trauma Violence and Abuse, 24, 4,

Li M., Gao T., Meng X. (2023) The Timing Effect of Childhood Maltreatment in Depression: A Systematic Review and meta-Analysis, Trauma Violence and Abuse, 24, 4.

Georgieva S., Tomás J.M, Samper-García p. (2023) Systematic Review and Critical Appraisal of Five of the Most Recurrently Validated Child Maltreatment Assessment Instruments from 2010 to 2020, Trauma Violence and Abuse, 24, 4.

D’Arcy-Bewick S., Turiano N., Sutin A.R., Terracciano A., O’Súilleabháin P.S. (2023) Adverse childhood experiences and all-cause mortality risk in adulthood, Child Abuse & Neglect, 144, 106386. Esperienze Sfavorevoli Infantili, esiti in età adulta, rischio di mortalità

Dimitropoulos G., Lindenbach D., Anderson A., Rowbotham M., Wang E., Heintz M., Ehrenreich- Madison J., Arnold P.D. (2023) A qualitative study on the implementation of a transdiagnostic cognitive behavioral therapy for children in a child welfare residential treatment program, Child Abuse & Neglect, 146, 106487. Esperienze sfavorevoli infantili, terapia, gruppo, contesto residenziale

Achdut N., Benbenishty R. Zeira a. (2023) Labor market position among care leavers and their matched peers: A longitudinal comparative study, Child Abuse & Neglect, 145, 106406. Careleaver, lavoro.

Berens K.A., Bruer K.C., Schick K.D., Evans A.D., Price H.L. (2023) A taxonomy of groomer profiles: Comparisons of in-person, online, and mixed groomers through the examination of Canadian judicial decisions, Child Abuse & Neglect, 145, 106407. Abuso sessuale infantile, abusanti, adescamento

Chopin J., Beauregard E., DeLisi M. (2023) Adverse childhood experience trajectories and individual high risk-behaviors of sexual offenders: A developmental victimology perspective, Child Abuse & Neglect, 146, 106457. Abusanti sessuali, esperienze sfavorevoli infantili, caratteristiche dei reati

Glucklich T., Attrash-Najjar A., Massarweh N., Katz C. (2023) What do adults who experienced child sexual abuse want to convey about therapy? Child Abuse & Neglect, 146 , 106435. Abuso sessuale infantile, survivor, terapia

Goodall K., Sawrikar V. (2023) The Rating of Emotional Abuse in Childhood (REACH) Questionnaire: A new self-report measure assessing history of childhood emotional abuse, Child Abuse & Neglect, 146, 106498. Abuso emozionale, diagnosi

Iffland J.A, Schmidt A.F. (2023) Stigmatization and perceived dangerousness for intrafamilial child sexual abuse of fathers with a history of sexual offenses and paraphilic interests: Results from a survey of legal psychological experts, Child Abuse & Neglect, 144, 106348. Abuso sessuale, abusanti, valutazione del rischio

Dube S.R., Li E.T., Fiorini G., Lin C., Fonagy P. (2023) Childhood verbal abuse as a child maltreatment subtype: A systematic review of the current evidence, Child Abuse & Neglect, 144, 106394. Maltrattamento psicologico infantile, abuso verbale

Gerke J., Gfrorer T., Mattstedt F.K., Hoffmann U., Fegert J.M., Rassenhofer M. (2023) Long-term mental health consequences of female- versus male-perpetrated child sexual abuse, Child Abuse & Neglect, 143, 106240 Abuso sessuale all’infanzia, conseguenze sulla salute mentale, abusante femmina

Moorman J,. Romano E.(2023) The experience of childhood sexual abuse: An exploratory description of psychological and adaptive functioning in Canadian men, Child Abuse & Neglect, 145, 106402. Abuso sessuale infantile, vittime maschi, danni a lungo termine, funzionamento psicologico, adattamento sociale.

Neumann E., Rixe J., Driessen M., Juckel G. (2023) Psychosocial functioning as a mediator between childhood trauma and symptom severity in patients with schizophrenia, Child Abuse & Neglect, 144, 106372. Traumi infantili, schizofrenia, fattori di mediazione della gravità

Singh A., Morrison B.W., Morrison N.M.V. (2023) Psychologist attitudes towards disclosure and believability of childhood sexual abuse: Can biases affect perception, judgement, and action?, Child Abuse & Neglect, 146, 106506. Abuso sessuale infantile, rivelazioni, credibilità

Sylvestre A., Di Sante M., Julien C., Bouchard C., Mérette C. (2023) Developmental trajectories of speech and language in neglected children aged 3 to 5 years: Results of the ELLAN study, Child Abuse & Neglect, 146, 106448. Trascuratezza, linguaggio, bambini in età prescolare

Lewis K.N., McKelvey L.M., Zhang D., Moix E., Whiteside-Mansell L. (2023 Risks of adverse childhood experiences on healthcare utilization and outcomes in early childhood, Child Abuse & Neglect, 145, 106396. Esperienze Sfavorevoli Infantili, servizi sanitari, dati assicurativi

Marçal K., Chang O.D., Park Y., Maguire-Jack K. (2023) Material hardship in the postpartum year: Links to child maltreatment, Child Abuse & Neglect, 145, 106438. Disagio materiale, post partum, madri, maltrattamento infantile

Krinkin Y., Deke R. (2023) Sexual grooming processes carried out by offending rabbis toward religious men and their families, Child Abuse & Neglect, 146, 106491. Abuso sessuale infantile, abusanti religiosi, adescamento